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发布日期:2024年01月17日 17:48 点击次数:

[本站讯]近日,犹太教与跨宗教研究中心、哲学与社会发展学院宗教学系李曦研究员在宗教学研究国际顶级刊物连续发表4篇英文论文:在期刊Journal for the Study of the Old Testament上发表题为“Does the Hebrew Bible Construct a Social Trauma? Three Case Studies”的文章;在期刊HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies发表题为“Deuteronomistic Theology in Psalms 44, 74, 80, and 89: Examined from the Lens of Trauma”的文章,在期刊Journal of Religion and Health上发表题为“Applicability of the Hebrew Bible to Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Post-traumatic Growth”的文章。此外,同一系列文章还包括发表在A&HCI期刊Acta Theologica上的“Jer 29:5–7 Reread Through the Lens of Posttraumatic Growth”。


Journal for the Study of the Old TestamentHTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies都是A&HCI收录期刊,并同属SJR宗教学一区;Journal of Religion and Health是A&HCI收录期刊,并在宗教类期刊影响因子2023年排名2/151。


1.Does the Hebrew Bible Construct a Social Trauma? Three Case Studies,”Journal for the Study of the Old Testament

2.Deuteronomistic Theology in Psalms 44, 74, 80, and 89: Examined from the Lens of Trauma

3.Applicability of the Hebrew Bible to Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Post-traumatic Growth

4.Jer 29:5–7 Reread Through the Lens of Posttraumatic Growth

【供稿单位:哲社学院    作者:王强伟    编辑:新闻网工作室    责任编辑:王新智 蒋晓涵  】

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