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数学学院珠峰讲坛第667期:Minimal solutions of master equations for extended mean field games

发布日期:2023年05月25日 14:03 点击次数:

时间 5月26日(星期五)15:30-16:30 地点 中心校区知新楼B座1238报告厅
本站讯 讲座时间 2023-05-26 15:30:00


Minimal solutions of master equations for extended mean field games


Chenchen Mou


In an extended mean field game the vector field governing the flow of the population can be different from that of the individual player at some mean field equilibrium. This new class strictly includes the standard mean field games. It is well known that, without any monotonicity conditions, mean field games typically contain multiple mean field equilibria and the wellposedness of their corresponding master equations fails. In this paper, a partial order for the set of probability measure flows is proposed to compare different mean field equilibria. The minimal and maximal mean field equilibria under this partial order are constructed and satisfy the flow property. The corresponding value functions, however, are in general discontinuous. We thus introduce a notion of weak-viscosity solutions for the master equation and verify that the value functions are indeed weak-viscosity solutions. Moreover, a comparison principle for weak-viscosity semi-solutions is established and thus these two value functions serve as the minimal and maximal weak-viscosity solutions in appropriate sense. In particular, when these two value functions coincide, the value function becomes the unique weak-viscosity solution to the master equation. The novelties of the work persist even when restricted to the standard mean field games. This is based on a joint work with Jianfeng Zhang.


Chenchen Mou is currently an assistant professor at City University of Hong Kong. He finished his Ph.D. at Georgia Tech at 2016 and did his Postdoc at UCLA during 2016-2020. He has papers published or to be published in Memoirs of the AMS, Ann. Probab., Ann. Appl. Probab., Comm. Math. Phys., Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. and etc.


聂天洋 数学学院教授







【作者:张志越    来自:数学学院    编辑:新闻网工作室    责任编辑:孙嘉路 蒋晓涵  】

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