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发布日期:2020年10月19日 08:58 点击次数:

时间 10月22日(星期四)14:30-16:00 地点 中心校区知新楼B座218
本站讯 讲座时间 2020-10-22 14:30:00


Fire and fury: how are narcissistic rivalry uniquely associated with punishment severity






Narcissists are likely to emerge and to be selected as leaders and real-life examples have shown that narcissistic leaders can be punitive to others. However, the relationship between narcissism and punishment severity has not been fully understood in literature. Integrating the dual-type view on narcissism and social cognitive theory, we propose that individuals with high narcissistic rivalry are more likely to dehumanize the targets and therefore make harsher punishment decisions. In contrast, narcissistic admiration is not related to dehumanization of targets and punishment severity. A time-lapsed, multi-level field study of 221 civil judges across 16 Chinese Civil Courts and two laboratory experiments on 107 working professionals and 202 business undergraduate students demonstrated evidence that the two facets of narcissism have distinct effects on punishment severity such that individuals high on narcissistic rivalry are likely to punish their targets while narcissistic admiration is not related to punishment severity. In addition, dehumanization of targets was found to be the mediating mechanism linking narcissistic rivalry and punishment severity. Moreover, results demonstrated that high sense of power magnified the indirect effect of narcissistic rivalry on punishment severity via dehumanization of targets. Taken together, our results offer compelling evidence validating the divergent effect of narcissistic rivalry and admiration and offers practical and scalable insights into how organizations may wish to view narcissism in their leaders.


江亭儒,北京大学光华管理学院组织与战略管理系副教授、博士生导师、MBA国际项目执行主任,美国华盛顿大学福斯特商学院工商管理博士。主要研究领域为领导者的权力与地位、领导性格与行为以及跨文化管理。其研究已获国际学术期刊如Journal of Applied Psychology、Journal of Management、Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes、Human Relations、Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology、Asia Pacific Journal of Management等发表。2019年江亭儒博士获得Journal of Management学术影响力奖(Scholarly Impact Award)和厉以宁教师服务奖。除了研究与教学经历之外,江亭儒博士有著丰富的实践经验,曾任职于世界知名的科技公司,拥有多年人才管理与领导力培训的实践经验。此外其还拥有丰富的国内外企业咨询经验,包含WeWork、日本航空、美国应用材料、海航资本、安联人寿、台湾裕隆汽车、台湾中华汽车、上海商业储蓄银行、蒙牛乳业等。

【作者:张馨    来自:管理学院    编辑:新闻网工作室    责任编辑:徐龑鹏 蒋晓涵  】

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